Hummus di occhi

Rating: easy

Preparation time:it depends on your dexterity and conviction, it is not always easy to extract your eyes from their sockets


  1. 2 eyes
  2. Tahini
  3. Salt
  4. Lemon juice
  5. Extra virgin olive oil
  6. Water
  7. Paprika
  8. A clove of garlic
  1. First, extract the eyes using a spoon, dry them and transfer them to the mixer with lemon juice, tahini and oil.
  2. Also add salt and a soulless (as you) clove of garlic
  3. Mix well until you reach the desired consistency, adding a little water if necessary
  4. Transfer the hummus to a bowl and garnish with paprika and spices as you want
  5. Enjoy as you like
  6. Accompany, once again, with plenty of alcohol
eye, watercolor, art-4453129.jpg

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